- 藝評、簡歷 Articles, CV
- 藝術家簡歷
- 張益昇簡歷CV
1982 出生於臺灣省彰化縣
2018 四川農業大學環境設計系講師
2015 取得四川省教育廳高等學校教師證
2013 獲聘臺灣藝術大學推廣教育諮詢委員
2012 四川農業大學藝術設計系助教
2010 四川農業大學藝術設計系外聘教師
2009 重慶市坦克庫當代藝術中心駐村
2008 澎湖縣文化局替代役管理幹部
2007 四川美術學院藝術交流計畫成員
2006 臺灣藝術大學書畫藝術學系學士班畢業
2002 取得臺灣藝術大學學士學分班證書
1999 泰北高中美工科畢業
2022 微風.小雨.忘言,書畫個展,四川農業大學,成都,中國
2021 後樂園,水墨個展,紅印藝術中心,成都,中國
2020 天地有大美,水墨個展,四川農業大學,成都,中國
2019 吹盡狂沙始到金,書畫個展,四川農業大學,成都,中國
2018 吹盡狂沙始到金,水墨個展,典化藝術,臺北,台灣
2017 歲月靜好,書畫個展,四川農業大學,成都,中國
2016 國境之南,書畫個展,農業大學,成都,中國
2015 繁華盡是夢,水墨個展,四川農業大學,成都,中國
2013 漂流城市,水墨個展,金車藝術中心,臺北,台灣
2010 寂光流影,水墨個展,匯泰藝術中心,天津,中國
YAHOO JAPAN 周末美術館第79回展 張益昇
2009 山與海的感覺,水墨個展,菊島藝廊,澎湖,台灣
2008 光與影的對話,水墨個展,文化局藝文中心,新北市,台灣
2006 紅色系列個展,埔鹽鄉藝廊,彰化,台灣
2022 青年美術家聯展,黃山美術館,安徽,中國
ONE ART TAIPEI,穎川畫廊,臺北,台灣
2021 青年美術家聯展,錦沅藝術,上海,中國
2020 當代水墨四人展,明畫廊,香港,中國
2019 翰墨溫江,溫江美術家協會聯展,溫江美術館,成都,中國
2018 水暈墨章,當代水墨書篆展,臺灣藝術大學,新北市,台灣
2017 薈藝,四川農業大學青年教師聯展,溫江美術館,成都,中國
Art Stage 藝博會,臺灣藝術家,新加坡
2015 古法&新生,CYAP炎黃藝術館,北京,中國
2014 崇明、臺灣藝術交流展,崇明美術館,上海,中國
2013 後渡海,漂移社五次展,臺北,台灣
2012 千高原秋季精選展,成都,中國
2011 延伸的距離,漂移社三度展,成都,中國
2010 水墨定義,漂移社二次展,臺北,台灣
2009 印象中國-第五屆誠信畫廊巡迴展--杭州.東京
2019 入選大陸第十三屆全國美展
2018 四川省高校教職工攝影書畫大賽「優秀獎」
2016 臺東美展水墨類「第三名」
2015 四川省教育廳教師培訓「優秀學員」
2007 新北市美展水墨類「第一名」
2004 歷史博物館「傅狷夫國畫創作獎」
2003 學生美展大專組水墨類「甲等」
2002 第三十一屆青年書畫比賽「第三名」
2001 臺灣藝術大學寫生比賽水墨類「第一名」
1999 桃園縣寫生比賽社會組「第三名」
1998 北市青年第五屆金筆獎「優選」
1982 Born in Changhua, Taiwan
Study and Work Experiences
2018 Lecturer of Department of Art and Design of Sichuan Agricultural University
2015 Obtained a college teacher's card of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education
2013 Education Advisory Committee of National Taiwan University of the Arts
2012 Assistant Professor of Department of Art and Design of Sichuan Agricultural University
2010 External teacher of Department of Art and Design of Sichuan Agricultural University
Member of Drift Club
2009 An artist in residence of Tank Loft Chongqing Contemporary Art Center
2008 Alternative Service Management Officer of Cultural Bureau of Penghu County
M.F.A. in Painting and Calligraphy Art National Taiwan University of Arts
2007 A member of “Mobility Scheme” program in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
2006 B.A. in Painting and Calligraphy Art National Taiwan University of Arts
2002 Obtain a bachelor's credit class certificate in National Taiwan University of Arts
1999 Graduate from Northern Thai High School Art Department
Solo Exhibition
2022 Breeze, light rain, forgetting words, Solo Exhibition of Calligraphy and Ink Painting,
Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, China
Before Sunrise, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting, A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 Post Fairyland, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting, Hongyin Art Center, Chengdu, China
2020 The Heaven and the Earth Are Beautiful,Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting, Sichuan Agricultural
University, Chengdu, China
2019 Blow Out the Mad Sand and Reach the Gold, Solo Exhibition of Calligraphy and Ink Painting,
Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, China
2018 Blow Out the Mad Sand and Reach the Gold, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting,Taipei, Taiwan
City Light and Shadow, Solo Exhibition of Ink Paiting, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu
2017 The Years are Quiet, Solo Exhibition of Calligraphy and Ink Painting ,Sichuan Agricultural
University, Chengdu, China
2016 South of the Border, Solo Exhibition of Calligraphy and Ink Painting ,Sichuan Agricultural
University, Chengdu, China
2015 Prosperity Is Full of Dreams, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting,Sichuan Agricultural University,
Chengdu, China
Prosperity Is Full of Dreams, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting, A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Drifting City, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting, Golden Car Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Light and Flowing Shadow, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting, Huitai Art Center,Tianjin, China
Yahoo Japan Weekend Art Museum 79th Exhibition, Chang Yi-Sheng, Japan
2009 The Feeling of Mountain and Sea, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting, JuDao Gallery,
Penghu, Taiwan
2008 The Dialogue Between Light and Shadow, Solo Exhibition of Ink Painting,
Cultural Affairs Bureau Arts Center, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2006 Red Series solo exhibition, Puyan Township Gallery, Changhua, Taiwan
Group Exhibition
2022 Joint exhibition of young artists, Huangshan Art Museum, Anhui, China
Cross strait painting and calligraphy exchange exhibition, Chengdu, China
One Art Taipei, In River Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 Joint exhibition of young artists, Jinyuan art, Shanghai, China
Chang Yisheng, Liu Xinyi joint exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Cross strait teacher and student original works exhibition, nongyuan Tianyi Art Museum, Chengdu, China
2021 Ink painting Jingwei Yiqu tonghumerus, Guangxi Art Institute, Nanning, China
2020 Four Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition,Ming Gallery,Hong Kong, China
2019 Ink Painting in Wenjiang, Wenjiang Artists Association Joint Exhibition, Wenjiang Art Museum, Chengdu, China
2018 Ink Painting, Calligraphy and Seal, Contemporary Ink Painting, Calligraphy and Seal
Exhibition, National Taiwan University of the Arts, New Taipei City, Taiwan
A Gathering of Fish and Mallards, University teachers' joint exhibition, Wenjiang Art Museum, Chengdu, China
Contemporary Art Fair-Autumn, Taiwanese Artist, Hong Kong, China
World Art Fair, Taiwanese Artist, New York, United States
Homesickness, Yuxiu Center, Xiamen, China
Contemporary Art Fair-Spring, Taiwanese Artist, Hong Kong, China
2017 Art gathering, Joint Exhibition of Young Teachers of Sichuan Agricultural University,
Wenjiang Art Museum, Chengdu, China
Contemporary Art Fair-Autumn, Taiwanese Artist, Hong Kong, China
Ink and Color, Joint exhibitions across the Taiwan Strait, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
Education Exchange Association, Taipei, Taiwan
Contemporary Art Fair-Spring, Taiwanese Artist, Hong Kong, China
Art Stage Art Fair, Taiwanese Artist, Singapore
2015 Traditional and Modern, CYAP Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing , China
Contemporary Art Fair, Imavision Gallery, Hong Kong, China
2014 Chongming and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition, Chongming Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Contemporary ink.Creative Painting, Chengdu Gallery Association Recommended
Exhibition, Chengdu, China
Between Art Domains, The sixth exhibition of Drift Club, Chengdu, China
2013 Houduhai, The Fifth exhibition of Drift Club ,Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Thousand Plateaus Autumn Selection Exhibition, Chengdu, China
After 80, No Longer Value the use of Center of the brush, The Forth exhibition of Drift Club, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Extended distance, The Third exhibition of Drift Club, Chengdu, China
Virtual space, Three people exhibition of Drift Club, Hong Kong, China
2010 Definition of Ink Painting, The Second exhibition of Drift Club, Taipei, Taiwan
Drift across the strait, The First exhibition of Drift Club, Chongqing, China
Zendai Art Supermarket, Shanghai, China
2009 Impression of China, The Fifth Chengxin Gallery Touring Exhibition ,Hangzhou, Tokyo
Original shares, Emerging Contemporary Art Exhibition in Huangjueping, Chongqing, China
2019 Selected in the 13th National Art Exhibition in Mainland China
2018 Excellence Award in Photography, Calligraphy and Painting Competition of Faculty and staff of
colleges and universities in Sichuan Province
First Prize in the Painting and Calligraphy Group of Clean government culture construction
of Sichuan Agricultural University
2016 Third Place in Taitung Art Exhibition
2015 Outstanding student in Teacher Training of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education
2007 First Prize in New Taipei City Art Exhibition
Outstanding Creation Award of the Year in Art school of National Taiwan University of Arts
2004 Fu Juan Fu Chinese Painting Creation Award in History museum
Chinese Painting Creation Award in Huang Junbi Foundation
2003 Class A in Ink Painting Category of College Student Art Exhibition
2002 Third Place in the 31st Youth Calligraphy and Painting Competition
2001 First Prize in Sketching Competition Ink Painting of National Taiwan University of Arts
1999 Third Place in Sketching Competition Social Group of Taoyuan County
1998 The Fifth Golden Pen Award of Taipei Youth "Preferred"