- 藝評、簡歷 Articles, CV
- 藝術家簡歷
- 劉信義簡歷CV
1981 出生於台灣台北
2018 曾任華梵大學美術與文創學系兼任助理教授
2020 現任玄奘大學藝術與創意設計學系專任助理教授
2005 國立台灣藝術大學書畫藝術系學士畢業
2009 國立台灣藝術大學書畫藝術系碩士畢業
2018 國立台灣藝術大學書畫藝術系博士畢業
2022 遙遠的山林 – 劉信義個展,穎川畫廊,台北,台灣
2020 灰境‧光韻 - 劉信義個展,穎川畫廊,台北,台灣
2018 深層的霓虹 - 劉信義個展,穎川畫廊,台北,台灣
穿越闇黑的幽光 - 劉信義水墨創作展,有章博物館,新北市,台灣
2016 幽光尋覓 - 劉信義個展,穎川畫廊,台北,台灣
2014 闇語 - 劉信義水墨創作個展,一票人票畫空間,台北,台灣
2012 來自虛幻 - 劉信義水墨創作個展,太平洋藝術中心,台北,台灣
2009 灰色境域 - 劉信義水墨創作個展,台藝大藝博館,台北,台灣
2022 Art Taipei 2022,穎川畫廊,台北,台灣
One Art Taipei,穎川畫廊 ,西華飯店,台北,台灣
2021 浮光闇影,劉信義張益昇聯展,穎川畫廊,台北,台灣
2020 國際藝術作品展,玄奘大學藝術中心,新竹,台灣
2019 玄思‧異想,劉信義、陳彥廷水墨聯展,穎川畫廊,台北,台灣
2018 藝約龍城,塵三、周宸、劉信義三人聯展,柒號美術館,江蘇省,中國
2017 索卡好樣十周年聯展,索卡藝術,臺北,台灣
Young Art Taipei,喜來登飯店,台北,台灣
2016 台中藝術博覽會,穎川畫廊,日月千禧酒店,台中,台灣
2015 Young Art Taipei,靜慮藝術,喜來登飯店,台北,台灣
2014 Young Art Taipei,雅逸藝術中心,晶華酒店,台北,台灣
2013 我為甚麼承受這失溫的進擊,20號倉庫,台中,台灣
水墨人世間,香港Ora Ora畫廊,香港
春之三部曲2013 -瓷器‧現代水墨‧細木作,雅逸藝術中心,台北,台灣
2012 之前之後,三人聯展,覓空間,台北,台灣
2011 延伸的距離,漂移社當代水墨聯展,成都千高原畫廊,成都,中國
虛擬空間三人水墨創作展,香港Ora Ora畫廊,香港
2010 水墨的定義, 漂移社聯展,台藝大藝博館,台北,台灣
2009 索卡好樣-微芬閃爍(青年藝術家徵件展),台南索卡藝術中心,台南,台灣
2019 第七屆鴻梅新人獎 視覺創作組
2017 新北市美展,水墨類第三名
2011 第十五屆桃城美展,水墨類優選
2010 第三屆台北水墨雙年展,優選
2009 台藝大第一屆大藝獎研究生繪畫暨立體創作獎,水墨類首獎
2006 台藝大書畫創新展,特優
2005 第五屆彩墨新人賞,新人獎
2004 北縣美展,水墨類第三名
第五屆磺溪美展,水墨類 優選
大昌證劵公司 私人收藏
國立台灣美術館 青年典藏
新北市政府文化局 典藏
Liu Hsin Yi
1981 Born in Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Huafan University
2020 Current Assistant professor of Hsuan Chuang University
2005 B.A. in Ink Painting, National Taiwan University of Arts, Department of
Painting and Calligraphy Arts
2009 Master’s Degree in Ink Painting, National Taiwan University of Arts,
Department of Painting and Calligraphy Arts
2018 PhD in Ink Painting, National Taiwan University of Arts, Department of
Painting and Calligraphy Arts
Solo Exhibition
2022 Distant Forest, Solo Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Grayland‧Glorious, Solo Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Deep Rainbow, Solo Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Crossing the Dim Light – Liu Hsin Yi's Ink Painting, Yo-Chang Art
Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2016 Seeking in the Shimmer, Solo Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Cliché, Solo Exhibition, Piao Piao Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 From Unreal, Solo Exhibition, Pacific Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Gray, Solo Exhibition, Yo-Chang Art Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Group Exhibition
2022 ART Taipei 2022, In River Gallery, Taipei World Trade Center 1, Taipei, Taiwan
Taoyuan Water Rhyme, Taoyuan City Watercolor Association 2022
Group Exhibition,Taoyuan Arts Center, Taoyuan
ART HSINCHU, HSUAN CHUANG University Center of Art,Ambassador
Hotel Hsinchu, Hsinchu, Taiwan
ONE ART Taipei 2022, In River Gallery, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei,
2021 Floating Light and Dark Shadows, Liu Hsin Yi & Chang Yi Sheng Group
Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei ,Taiwan
2021 Guest of the World, Ink creation Group Exhibition, 435 Arts and Cultural
District, Banqiao, Taiwan
2021 Greet the Dawn of the Future Group Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei,
2020 2020 International Art Exhibition, Hsuan Chuang University Art
Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Memorial Exhibition of Li Chi-Maos Ink Figure Painting, National Dr. Sun
Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
INK in the Ascendant Group Exhibition of Cross-Strait Ink Painters,
Everrich, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Mysterious Thoughts, Fantasy, Liu Hsin Yi, Chen Yen Ting Group
Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Kuroshio Countercurrent: Taiwan’s New Generation of Contemporary
Ink Painting Creation Exhibition, Changhua, Taiwan
2018 Art Dragon City, Group Exhibition, Jiangsu province, China
Meeting the Spiritual Mountain, Group Exhibition, In River Gallery,
Taipei, Taiwan
Visionary, Bai Yu, Liu Hsin Yi Ink and ink Exhibition, Sincewell Gallery,
Faint, Shian Yuan, Liu Hsin Yi Bi Solo Exhibition, Share Art Space,
Asia Contemporary Art Show 2018, In River Gallery, Conrad Hong
Kong, Hong Kong
Conceal Contemporary Art Generation, AHM Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 10 YEARS OF SOKA SO YOUNG, Soka Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Love ink can live ink exhibition, Boundaryless, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Taipei International Ink Painting Exhibition, National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
Memorial Hall,Taipei, Taiwan
Time Traveler, Liu Hsin Yi, Tu Sheng Chun Group Exhibition, In River
Gallery,Taipei, Taiwan
Young Art Taipei, In River Gallery, Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel, Taipei,
2016 Art Taichung, In River Gallery, Millennium Vee Hotel Taichung,
Formosa Art Fair, ADSC, Humble House Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
The Generations of Chinese Ink and Multiple Tracks, Sincewell Gallery,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Blooming in the Orient, Group Exhibition, In River Gallery, Taipei,
2015 Young Art Taipei, ADSC, Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
Eternal Consciousness, Group Exhibition of New Generation Artist, Jing
Lü Gallery, Sheraton Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Young Art Taipei, Julia Gallery, Regent Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 The Reason Why I Bear the Attack of Hypothermia, Warehouse No.20,
Taichung, Taiwan
Ink World, Ora Ora Gallery, Hong Kong
Spring Trilogy 2013-Porcelain, Modern Ink & Wash Painting, Julia
Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
After Crossing the Sea, Drift Art Group’s Group Exhibition of
Contemporary Ink Creations, A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Before After, Meme Space, Taipei, Taiwan
Group Exhibition of Artists Born 80 years later, Teh-Chun Gallery,
Taipei, Taiwan
Continuous Dream of Art, Group Exhibition, Arty Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan
2011 Extended Distance, Drift Art Group’s Group Exhibition, Thousand
Plateaus Gallery, Chengdu, China
Young Art Taipei, Dynasty Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
Virtual space, Ora Ora Gallery, Hong Kong
2010 The Definition of Ink, Drift Art Group’s Group Exhibition, Art Museum of
NTUA, Taipei, Taiwan
Ink and then mention the ink to repeat, Kingcar Arts Center Taipei,
2009 Soka good micro-Fen flashes, Young Artists Call Exhibition, Soka Art
Center, Tainan, Taiwan
Six Ink exhibition, Soochow University Entertainment Plaza, Taipei,
2019 The Seventh Grand View Emerging Artists Award, Visual Creation Group
2017 New Taipei City Art Exhibition, Ink Category, Third Place
2011 The 15th Peach City Art Exhibition, Ink Painting Category, Merit Award
2010 The 3rd Taipei Ink Biennale, Merit Award
2009 National Taiwan University of Arts, The 1st Award of Outstanding Artist,
Ink Painting Category, First Prize
The 2nd Taipei County Art Creation Newcomer Award, Ink Painting
Category, Merit Award
2006 Taiwan Arts and Crafts Innovation Exhibition, Distinction Award
2005 The 5th Colored Ink Rookie Award, New Artist Award
2004 North County Art Exhibition, Ink Painting Category, Third Place
The 5th Huang-Xi Art Exhibition, Ink Painting Category, Merit Award
Thousand Plateaus Gallery
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
Cultural Affairs Department of New Taipei City Government
Dah Chang Securities Company