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- 關於阿棟 About Earthstone Chu
關於阿棟 About Earthstone Chu
文/周于棟 來源/周于棟
1976年我是藝術家,但是是思考如何自殺而不是思考如何創造的藝術家。當時我的作品不能被公家機構接受也被社會漠視。 那時,別人所說的”沒出息的畫家” 的壓力很沉重。
雖然太極是初始使我重拾健康,但進一步鍛練後,使我對道家哲理有更深刻了解。也體悟其精髓。 太極功夫的修煉印証道家哲理,再將哲理實踐於生活中,再於生活中印証道家哲理,更堅實了我對宇宙生命內涵的體會仰信。
About Me - Earthstone Chu
文/周抱樸 來源/周于棟
In the summer of ‘76, I was an artist. But I was an artist contemplating about committing suicide rather than an artist capable of creating. At the time my work was merely conforming to bureaucracy and the authoritarians of traditional art. In the true artist sense, I was not at all contributing to a progressive society. Years of depression eventually influenced my physical health. Strange sicknesses that could not be accurately diagnosed had begun to manifest. There was a period that my body ached daily with overwhelming pain. Painkillers filled my cabinets and as did acupuncture sessions to my daily schedules.
Feeling trapped and without hope, I was both mentally and physically tired. I was a working artist but was one without meaning or purpose.
Tai Chi and Daoism became the eventual liberation to the darkness that was my near demise.
Though Tai Chi was originally a commitment to regain my health, as I trained further, my realizations of its deep philosophies began to coincide with what I was starting to comprehend in the concepts of Daoism. Both disciplines emphasized on the understanding of the universe.
Tai Chi may have saved me from deteriorating health, but together with Daoism, the two saved my soul. What I had discovered for myself enticed me not only to live but also to explore the universe further in the name of art.
Since then, I live and breathe by the philosophies of Tai Chi and Daoism has become my main driving force and the two lives in all my art in infinite forms.